
RoboSub Online 2020: Final Standings

August 30, 2020

The 23rd RoboSub Competition was held online, due to the in-person event being cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In lieu of vehicle performance, teams were evaluated on a technical design report, video presentation and website. With 33 teams representing Brazil, Canada, Egypt, India, México, Norway, Poland, Singapore and the United States and territories.

While we didn’t have the opportunity to meet in person this year, we stayed engaged and shifted efforts online to highlight and reward teams’ incredible work. We ended the summer with a Virtual Awards Party to announce prizes and gear up for 2021. Congratulations RoboSub 2020 teams!

Overall Standings

1st Place ($3,000): Team Inspiration

2nd Place ($2,000): Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University

3rd Place ($1,500): Tecnológico de Monterrey

4th Place ($1,000): San Diego State University

5th Place ($1,000): Carnegie Mellon University

6th Place ($1,000): University of Alberta

Video Standings

1st Place ($1,000): Tecnológico de Monterrey

2nd Place ($800): Team Inspiration

3rd Place ($600): Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

4th Place ($400): Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University

5th Place ($200): San Diego State University

Technical Design Report Standings

1st Place ($1,000): Team Inspiration

2nd Place ($800): California Institute of Technology

3rd Place ($600): Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University

4th Place ($400): Duke University

5th Place ($200): The Ohio State University

Website Standings

1st Place ($1,000): Team Inspiration

2nd Place ($800): Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University

3rd Place ($600): Amador Valley High School

4th Place ($400): Tecnológico de Monterrey

5th Place ($200): École de Technologie Supérieure

Special Awards

Holding Steady ($500): Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Newest Players ($500): Ain Shams University

Pixelated RoboSub ($500): National University of Singapore

Blue Robotics and Nvidia provided additional special awards.

Teledyne Marine announced the winner of the Wayfinder DVL Product Grant Opportunity: congratulations University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez!

Download the 2020 RoboSub Final Scoresheet

Meet the 2020 Teams

Congratulations to the 2020 teams!

A special thank you to the 2020 RoboSub judges & sponsors that made this event possible.

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